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felipe baeza

felipe baeza

felipe baeza

* 1987, Celaya, México.

Fusionando collage, pintura, grabado y otras técnicas, Felipe Baeza crea obras de múltiples capas y texturas que exploran las nociones del cuerpo y la migración. Las obras de Baeza, de gran riqueza sensual y atractivo visual, evocan tanto dimensiones míticas como temas contemporáneos. Representa figuras en pinturas de densas capas, retratándolas en diferentes estados de transformación y, en ocasiones, abstrayéndolas hasta hacerlas invisibles. Las figuras de Baeza son híbridas, "fugitivas" y "rebeldes", y fusionan lo humano y lo no humano para crear imágenes fantásticas que evocan reinos del mito, el espíritu y la imaginación. Desvinculadas de referentes temporales o espaciales específicos, las figuras de Baeza construyen posibilidades alternativas para sí mismas como sujetos autónomos y multirelacionados. Como explica el artista sobre su propia fascinación por el cuerpo fragmentado: "Si la homosexualidad fuera un proyecto, el proyecto nunca estaría completo. Es este carácter incompleto lo que permite la imaginación".

Baeza recibió un BFA de Cooper Union y obtuvo un máster en Bellas Artes en la Universidad de Yale. Sus residencias incluyen la Rauschenberg Residency, Captiva, FL (2025), la residencia Federico Sevilla Sierra, Mullowney Printing, Portland, OR (2023), y la Lower East Side Keyholder Residency, Nueva York (20 10). Baeza ha recibido becas como la Latinx Artist Fellowship, US Latinx Art Forum (2023), NXTHVN Studio Fellowship Program, New Haven, CT (2019), y The Josef & Anni Albers Foundation Traveling Fellowship (2017). En 2022, fue académico invitado en T he Getty Research Institute de Los Ángeles. Baeza ha sido galardonado con la Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant (2018), The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (Full Tuition), Nueva York (2005), y el Michael S. Vivo Prize for Drawing (2009).

La obra de Baeza forma parte de las colecciones de diversas instituciones, como: Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, OH; Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA); Moderna Museet, Estocolmo, Suecia; North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh; San Jose Museum of Art (SJMA), CA; Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT; y el Whitney Museum of American Art, Nueva York.

Baeza vive y trabaja en Brooklyn, Nueva York.

Obra destacada

Obra destacada Thumbnails
unrecognizable form, refusing to be governed, 2022. ink, embroidery, acrylic, graphite, varnish, and cut paper on panel. 20 x 16 inches

unrecognizable form, refusing to be governed, 2022. ink, embroidery, acrylic, graphite, varnish, and cut paper on panel. 20 x 16 inches

the self must create its own reason for being, 2022. ink, acrylic, varnish, glitter, graphite, and cut paper on panel. 24 x 18 inches

the self must create its own reason for being, 2022. ink, acrylic, varnish, glitter, graphite, and cut paper on panel. 24 x 18 inches

emerging in difference, 2022. ink, graphite, glitter, interference powder, twine, acrylic, and cut paper on paper. 78 3/4 x 51 1/2 inches

emerging in difference, 2022. ink, graphite, glitter, interference powder, twine, acrylic, and cut paper on paper. 78 3/4 x 51 1/2 inches

a self that is not quite here but always in process, 2022. cast lead crystal glass. 17 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches (left arm), 16 x 5 inches (right arm)

a self that is not quite here but always in process, 2022. cast lead crystal glass. 17 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches (left arm), 16 x 5 inches (right arm)

tanto refugio como advertencia a la vez, 2019. 

tanto refugio como advertencia a la vez, 2019. 

ahuehuete, 2018. tinta, grafito, tejido, brillantina, temple y papel. 59 1/4 x 44 pulgadas

ahuehuete, 2018. tinta, grafito, tejido, brillantina, temple y papel. 59 1/4 x 44 pulgadas

naj tunich azul 1, 2018

naj tunich azul 1, 2018

mujer arrodillada (gente del occidente de méxico), 2017-2019. collage on paper. 8 3/4 x 6 3/8 inches

mujer arrodillada (gente del occidente de méxico), 2017-2019. collage on paper. 8 3/4 x 6 3/8 inches

post-colonial object of desire 5, 2015. collage on paper. 11 x 8 inches

post-colonial object of desire 5, 2015. collage on paper. 11 x 8 inches

en mar abierto, lejos de la tierra, en este lejano exterior salado naufragó mi cuerpo pero nunca falleció, 2018.
tinta, acrílico, tejido, gel, temple, brillantina y papel. 77 1/2 x 50 pulgadas

en mar abierto, lejos de la tierra, en este lejano exterior salado naufragó mi cuerpo pero nunca falleció, 2018.
tinta, acrílico, tejido, gel, temple, brillantina y papel. 77 1/2 x 50 pulgadas

objeto de la nueva españa 2, 2010

objeto de la nueva españa 2, 2010

actos santos 3, 2007. 

actos santos 3, 2007. 

unrecognizable form, refusing to be governed, 2022. ink, embroidery, acrylic, graphite, varnish, and cut paper on panel. 20 x 16 inches

unrecognizable form, refusing to be governed, 2022. ink, embroidery, acrylic, graphite, varnish, and cut paper on panel. 20 x 16 inches

the self must create its own reason for being, 2022. ink, acrylic, varnish, glitter, graphite, and cut paper on panel. 24 x 18 inches

the self must create its own reason for being, 2022. ink, acrylic, varnish, glitter, graphite, and cut paper on panel. 24 x 18 inches

emerging in difference, 2022. ink, graphite, glitter, interference powder, twine, acrylic, and cut paper on paper. 78 3/4 x 51 1/2 inches

emerging in difference, 2022. ink, graphite, glitter, interference powder, twine, acrylic, and cut paper on paper. 78 3/4 x 51 1/2 inches

a self that is not quite here but always in process, 2022. cast lead crystal glass. 17 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches (left arm), 16 x 5 inches (right arm)

a self that is not quite here but always in process, 2022. cast lead crystal glass. 17 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches (left arm), 16 x 5 inches (right arm)

tanto refugio como advertencia a la vez, 2019. 

tanto refugio como advertencia a la vez, 2019. 

ahuehuete, 2018. tinta, grafito, tejido, brillantina, temple y papel. 59 1/4 x 44 pulgadas

ahuehuete, 2018. tinta, grafito, tejido, brillantina, temple y papel. 59 1/4 x 44 pulgadas

naj tunich azul 1, 2018

naj tunich azul 1, 2018

mujer arrodillada (gente del occidente de méxico), 2017-2019. collage on paper. 8 3/4 x 6 3/8 inches

mujer arrodillada (gente del occidente de méxico), 2017-2019. collage on paper. 8 3/4 x 6 3/8 inches

post-colonial object of desire 5, 2015. collage on paper. 11 x 8 inches

post-colonial object of desire 5, 2015. collage on paper. 11 x 8 inches

en mar abierto, lejos de la tierra, en este lejano exterior salado naufragó mi cuerpo pero nunca falleció, 2018.
tinta, acrílico, tejido, gel, temple, brillantina y papel. 77 1/2 x 50 pulgadas

en mar abierto, lejos de la tierra, en este lejano exterior salado naufragó mi cuerpo pero nunca falleció, 2018.
tinta, acrílico, tejido, gel, temple, brillantina y papel. 77 1/2 x 50 pulgadas

objeto de la nueva españa 2, 2010

objeto de la nueva españa 2, 2010

actos santos 3, 2007. 

actos santos 3, 2007. 

Vistas de instalación

Vistas de instalación Thumbnails
installation view the milk of dreams, la biennale di venezia, 2022. photo: roberto marossi

installation view the milk of dreams, la biennale di venezia, 2022. photo: roberto marossi

installation view narrative threads, fiber art today, moody center for the arts, 2023. photo: sean fleming

installation view narrative threads, fiber art today, moody center for the arts, 2023. photo: sean fleming

unruly forms II, 2022. © felipe baeza. courtesy maureen paley, london. photo: nicholas knight, courtesy public art fund, ny. presented by publicart fund as a part of felipe baeza: unruly forms, an exhibition on 400+ jcdecauxbus shelters and street furniture in new york, boston, and chicago in the united states and mexico city, león, and querétaro in mexico, august 9–november 19, 2023

unruly forms II, 2022. © felipe baeza. courtesy maureen paley, london. photo: nicholas knight, courtesy public art fund, ny. presented by publicart fund as a part of felipe baeza: unruly forms, an exhibition on 400+ jcdecauxbus shelters and street furniture in new york, boston, and chicago in the united states and mexico city, león, and querétaro in mexico, august 9–november 19, 2023

installation view the milk of dreams, la biennale di venezia, 2022. photo: roberto marossi

installation view the milk of dreams, la biennale di venezia, 2022. photo: roberto marossi

installation view narrative threads, fiber art today, moody center for the arts, 2023. photo: sean fleming

installation view narrative threads, fiber art today, moody center for the arts, 2023. photo: sean fleming

unruly forms II, 2022. © felipe baeza. courtesy maureen paley, london. photo: nicholas knight, courtesy public art fund, ny. presented by publicart fund as a part of felipe baeza: unruly forms, an exhibition on 400+ jcdecauxbus shelters and street furniture in new york, boston, and chicago in the united states and mexico city, león, and querétaro in mexico, august 9–november 19, 2023

unruly forms II, 2022. © felipe baeza. courtesy maureen paley, london. photo: nicholas knight, courtesy public art fund, ny. presented by publicart fund as a part of felipe baeza: unruly forms, an exhibition on 400+ jcdecauxbus shelters and street furniture in new york, boston, and chicago in the united states and mexico city, león, and querétaro in mexico, august 9–november 19, 2023

felipe baeza - Artistas - Kurimanzutto

exposiciones individuales notables

Algunas de sus exposiciones individuales son: Made Into Being, Fortnight Institute, Nueva York (2022); Unruly Suspension, Maureen Paley, Londres (2021); Through the Flesh to Elsewhere, The Mistake Room, Los Ángeles (2020); La Emergencia de Hacer Memoria, Fortnight Institute, Nueva York (2019); y Felipe Baeza, Maureen Paley, Londres (2018)

exposiciones grupales y bienales

Algunas de sus exposiciones colectivas anteriores son: I Feel You, Centro de Arte Pinchuk, Kiev, Ucrania (2024); Artefact 2024: At the Still Point of the Turning World, Stuk Arts Center, Lovaina, Bélgica (2024); Teddy Sandoval and the Butch Gardens School of Art, Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, MA (2024); Following the Body, Fragment Gallery, Nueva York (2023); Excavated Selves: Becoming Magic Bodies, The Immigrant Artist Biennial, Alchemy Gallery, Nueva York (2023); outer view, inner world, Maureen Paley: Morena di Luna, Hove, Inglaterra (2023); Aesthetics of Undocumentedness, Ruffin Gallery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (2023); The dreamers, Sotheby's Institute of Art, Nueva York (2023); The Tale their Terror Tells, Lyles & King, Nueva York (2022); Finding Home in My Own Flesh (mural temporal), Desert X, Coachella Valley, Palm Springs, CA (2021); RAÍZ, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Quito, Ecuador (2021); View From Here, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (2020); A Very Anxious Feeling: Voices of Unrest in the American Experience; 20 Years of the Beth Rudin DeWoody Collection, Taubman Museum of Art, Roanoke, VA (2020); Right Behind Your Eyes, Capsule, Shanghái, China (2019); Nobody Promised You Tomorrow: Art 50 Years After Stonewall Era, Brooklyn Museum, New York (2019); Underlying Borders, The Mexican Cultural Institute, Washington, D.C. (20 19); XL Catlin Art Prize, organizado por San Francisco Art Institute, CA, viajó a Linda Warren Projects, Chicago, IL, y New York Academy of Art (2018); entre otros.

Baeza participó en The Milk of Dreams como parte de la 59a Bienal de Venecia (2022).